Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Marred by sin and sorrow’s snare;
I stand a stranger in this sphere.
Flawed by appetites demise,
I am tainted by the devil’s lies.
Threatened by the sleep of hell,
Who’ll stay the tempter’s spell?
Wearied by the heavy load,
I tread this solitary road.
Banished from my peace of mind,
I am helplessly confined.
Laced by mortal passions stare—
Faced with indecisions piercing glare;
Trapped in twisted, awful misery;
Abandoned to Pity’s Revelry.
And while I yet reside
In my own soul’s suicide;
I recall the Flawless Son
The Holy, Chosen One.
Who, by His tender love
And mercy great,
Rescued me and my fallen state.
Though my hands are stained in crimson deceit,
I know through Him I will defeat.
Farewell thou chains which bind me down—
Adieu to sorrow’s lonesome frown;
The bleak road I once traveled in grief,
Has sought companion in my Saviors relief

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