Tuesday, October 20, 2009


In the quiet of solitude screams a battle within;
When self and better self wrestle for command.
Where demons rage and angels reside,
One must choose in whom he'll confide.
To settle for wrong or be settled by right-
And abide Peace and love, and solace.
For in the still of isolation sleeps
The fate of every man.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Oh agitated yellow moon, with half a face,
Why won't you make up your mind?
You are constantly shifting routes:
One night above the darkened mountain,
The next above the treetops of the woodland.
Some nights you grin with ecstasy
Standing full-circle
Amidst the uncharted stars.
While others you frown with disappointment
Hiding behind a cloud of troubled doubt.
When will you stop living off of borrowed light,
And radiate your truer glow deep within your core?
You know it's there.
You feel it's warmth.
Come out from behind the eclipse
Which shades your cratered body.
Let lovers dance in your silhouette
Let Galileo read your mysteries
While your aura consumes the heavens.
You were made to rule the night-
Stop trying to imitate the sun.